San Francisco, CA

Strategy Consulting Services
No two public spaces are alike, and each requires a tailored management plan to ensure long-term success. We work with our clients and their partners to clarify roles, responsibilities, and decision-making procedures.
We help clients make smart decisions about raising revenues from private sources. Our goal is to give clients freedom to develop creative and nimble public spaces that are unrestricted by bureaucratic grant or donation requirements.
Your park or public space is an asset, and BRV aims to help you unlock and increase its value to nearby owners of real estate. BRV's work has been proven to greatly increase property values over time and help neighborhoods reinvent themselves.
BRV grew out of Dan Biederman's significant experience brokering partnerships between municipalities, private property owners, non-profits, and community members. We coach our clients on building lasting relationships that will maximize benefit for all parties involved.
Revitalizing downtown areas requires an understanding of economics and real estate, as well as an eye for programming, operations, wayfinding, capital improvements, and design. We use our in-house expertise to develop strategies to bring people and businesses back to your downtown.
BRV helps to create new business improvement districts and doctors existing BIDs. For new BIDs, we build consensus and identify leadership structures. For all BIDs, we advise on revenue sources, design and bonding of capital improvements, staffing, streetscapes, and programming.
We have over 25 years of experience in creating or revitalizing parks in many different climates and contexts. Our expertise includes programming, budgeting, staffing, sanitation, safety, horticulture, lighting, food and beverage, and retail.
Parks and public spaces should have self-sustaining business models, and we advise all clients on how to achieve this. We help clients to lessen reliance on public funds, develop new revenue streams over time, and increase the size of those revenue streams.
Parks should be interesting, fun, bustling, and safe. We advise our clients on building a creative calendar of programming that will attract constant visitors. We offer expertise in four-season programming, including ice and other winter-time attractions. We also work with marketing teams and sponsors to create engaging, revenue-producing events.
How many people will use your amenities? Who are they and what engages them? How will your park become financially self-sustaining? We analyze client sites quickly to arrive at the best strategies for your parks and public spaces.
Our twenty-five years of experience in public space planning give us a deep understanding of space and circulation, soft- and hardscapes, and short- and long-term strategies for planning an inviting and successful space. We often collaborate with teams of designers for master plans.
While we believe people and programming should come first in any project, we frequently advise on design, including contextually appropriate furniture, lighting, streetscape design, and landscape. We have developed relationships with vendors around the world who understand how to build and furnish attractive public spaces that will hold up to the elements.

New York, NY